Father & Daughter Duo
“Father-daughter duo, Dr. Randy Colver and Cathy Garland share a heritage of Revelationship and transformative intimacy with God. If you seek closer intimacy with God or find yourself praying, “Where are you?” then you will enjoy this book. Revelationship is more than just another book but a guide to a journey, possibly a life-changing journey. Dr. Colver and Cathy will lead you through exploring how Christ reveals himself resulting in your deepening relationship with Him. Revelationship was a thoroughly enjoyable read that I am sure I will want to revisit again and again.” - Jena B. (Review on Amazon)
Embark on a journey...
When you embrace Christ’s revelations of his character and his great passion for a relationship with you, he personally and uniquely meets your deepest needs, wrestles your deepest questions, and heals your deepest hurt.
Revelationship is a journey of transformative intimacy with the God who knows you and wants to be known by you.
Connect With Us!
Randy and Cathy share a heart to see people experience the intimacy and freedom that comes from knowing God on a transformative level. Through Revelationship, readers will feel their hearts opening to the many ways God still reveals himself today.
If you've felt distant from God or your pursuit of his presence lagging compared to when Christ first revealed himself to you, this book can help you find your way back to your First Love and reignite your prayer life.